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Calculate your earnings with examples

Estimated Monthly earnings: $

infoHow it works

Getting started is simple:

  1. Sign Up:

    Register for our affiliate program and gain access to a personalized dashboard.

  2. Promote:

    Use the marketing materials and tracking links provided to promote Midas Financials Asset Management on your website, blog, social media, or other online channels.

  3. Refer Clients:

    Drive potential investors and clients to Midas Financials using your unique affiliate links.

  4. Earn Commissions:

    Earn competitive commissions for every successful referral that leads to a funded account or investment with Midas Financials.

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Midas Affiliates Commission Earnings percentage per Affiliate Level Chart

Fast Progression through the leveles

  1. First level: 10% Commission

  2. Second Level: 15% Commission

    • Get 5 Clients
  3. Third Level: 20% Commission

    • Get 15 Clients
  4. Fourth Level: 35% Commission

    • Be the personal contact
    • You get up to 35% if you are willing to be the personal contact person for the clients you bring.
  5. Final Level: 35% Commission

    • You will get access to

***Note that each level is fully voluntary and you can opt out at any time.